Saturday, June 23, 2012

Some kind of title that suggests this is a post about homosexuality and the church

I am a coward when it comes to voicing my opinions. I really don't want to be the source of a debate and don't like giving people a reason to disagree with me or not like me. Maybe I'm insecure or maybe you all secretly agree, who knows... I probably could have picked about 3000 less controversial subjects to talk about, especially with this being my first post of this kind. But whatever, I’m going to be brave.

As a Mormon and a performer I have friends and family that have thoughts and opinions at literally every point on the spectrum. And its not like Mormons say no and others say yes, it’s just not that simple. Even amongst Mormons the spectrum is just as wide. 

Elder Jeffrey R Holland (an apostle of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) stated:

The Church opposes homosexual behavior, and we reach out with understanding and respect to people with same-gender attraction.

The Church teaches that human sexuality has a purpose in Heavenly Father’s plan. In order for us to be happy and to fulfill that purpose, we are commanded to live the law of chastity. Homosexual behavior is contrary to that purpose and violates God’s commandments.
However, if someone is attracted to people of the same gender and does not act on those feelings, he or she has not sinned. The Church’s standard for morality is the same for everyone, no matter which gender one feels attracted to. Neither the Lord nor His Church can condone any behavior that violates His laws. Again, we condemn the immoral behavior, not the person.
"Helping Those Who Struggle with Same-Gender Attraction,” Liahona, Oct. 2007, 40; Ensign,Oct. 2007, 42.

The stance of the Church seems pretty straightforward. However, I never understood the way so many of us acted in light of this belief. The Bible, Book of Mormon or any of the latter-day prophets have never said to treat these people any differently. We all know that Jesus taught to love one another and if he were here, what would he do? I believe that he would love and befriend everyone.
In the same talk Jeffrey R. Holland says, 

If you know people who have a same-gender attraction, follow the same principles you do in your other friendships: “Choose your friends carefully. They will greatly influence how you think and act, and even help determine the person you will become. Choose friends who share your values so you can strengthen and encourage each other in living high standards. A true friend will encourage you to be your best self. … Treat everyone with kindness and respect” (For the Strength of Youth [booklet, 2001], 12).

I am extremely proud of the efforts some members of the Church have taken to fix the gap between the gay/lesbian community and ours. Bullying is NEVER ok. No matter what the situation or circumstance. It is a huge deal and something i think a lot of parents and students choose to ignore. As i didn't grow up in America I can't compare schools here to schools back home. All I know is that bullying definitely existed in my schools. We (and i say we because i know that i was just as much to blame as any other) are mean as young people. School is hard and unless society and education gives us enough of a positive atmosphere, kids and teens can be nothing less than vile. 
I say this as if we suddenly learn not to do this when we are adults. We all know thats not true either. I don't believe that there is any excuse for adults. We as adults should be the example to the next generation of how to treat one another regardless of race, religion or sexual orientation. Now i'm not being naive, we can't get along with everyone. Some people just don't like us or don't hold the same values as us. No one is forcing you to be around them all the time. you choose who you spend your time with. 
I am in no way perfect but i am grateful for the variety of people i have come across in my life. I have friends from many different backgrounds, of different races, religions and sexual orientation that encouraged me to "be my best self". Our differences don't matter and never will, our friendship is based on the many hundreds of things we share, not the few things we don't.

Having said all of this, I continually struggle with this issue. Maybe if my friends belonged to only one school of thought, community or even continent, I would have a very clear opinion formed in my mind. It is because of them that I am continually reminded to keep an open mind.  I would like to form my own opinion and have been hoping I would so that I can write something thoughtful and poignant. I realize that if and when I do come to a conclusion it will be MY opinion and mine alone, made in my own mind and nobody else's. 
This is what i know:
1. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gives me all the tools I need to live the best life I can. I believe that we are given our agency to choose right from wrong and if we follow the path that has been laid for us we will live eternally will our family, loved ones and God.
2. Jesus taught us to love everyone, to not judge and to reach out to others. 
3. Intelligence and curiosity is a gift given to us. Keeping an open mind at all times is the way to form our own opinions and not be swayed by others. We can choose to educate ourselves on whatever we want. (My husband and I were talking about our blogs. We both felt that we can only write about things we feel we know a lot about. Annoyingly, not everyone feels this way so we are constantly reading articles, news posts and blogs written by someone who has absolutely no idea what they are talking about.)
4. I don't know the answers. No matter how much I study this subject, no matter who I talk to, I always come to the same conclusion.. I don't know. I look forward to understanding the subject more, maybe it won't be in this life but I know that one day I will understand better. I know this because I have faith in Jesus Christ. I know he loves each one of us. He has equal love for all of us and is reaching out to each one of us, those in the Church need just as much help as those out.  

I don't love my gay friends any less than my other friends. I fully support them in their lives and careers and really want them to find happiness. I guess it just comes down to respect. You respect me and accept that i don't really know all the answers but I choose to follow the teachings of the Church, and i respect you for your choices too. 

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