Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The animals came in two by two ... hurrah hurrah

When  I told my mum that my husband and I were going to the zoo she said, "With who?" After saying, "Just us" the thought dawned on me that maybe i should be embarrassed by that. The truth is, we LOVE the zoo and aquariums and stuff like that. Why do you need to be under the age of twenty-five to enjoy it?
We went to the Denver zoo and wow did they have everything! My favorite things were probably the bears. They had brown black and play bears. I don't think that I have seen any of those before. They also had comodo dragons and sloths! I may die if i ever see a sloth up close. If anyone ever wants to see me hyperventilate just bring me a slow loris. I will die.

So apparently polar bears are HUGE.

Also they had these cute birds that fly around you and you can feed them. They were gorgeous.

So anyone within reasonable distance of Denver I strongly recommend this zoo. They have a new section opening this weekend with Elephants and lots of other things to see. They make a special effort to keep the animals happy and protected and they do a really good job of keeping up to date with everything. For example, every time I've been to a zoo there is only ever about 75% of the animals in the space where they are supposed to be. For some reason the Tigers are NEVER there. Its like zoos just like to say they have tigers but they actually don't and everyone believes that they just came on the wrong day or something. 

But this zoo...

Ta Da! Anytime we couldn't find the animal in the field there was a sign that said "currently relocated" or something like that. Thank you Denver Zoo you have successfully gained two new fans.

Because I have to..

So as a musical theater geek I have tried to avoid commenting on the new Les Mis movie coming out. However, there's something inside me that says that I have to have an opinion. This is a musical that EVERYONE claims, not only broadway fans but anyone who's anyone knows of the musical and a lot of people have only ever seen one (always either Les Mis or Wicked.)
So here we go.. Hugh Kackman and Russel Crowe I'm not overly worried about. I think they'll do a decent job. For some reason I think Hugh Jackman's face is too nice and kind looking but I'm willing to let that go.
The girl playing Eponine is wonderful. She was a finalist in a reality tv show to find the girl who played Nancy in 'Oliver' in the West End. She was so young then, about 17 I think. But she quickly got snapped up and has done really well since, including playing Eponine at 25th Anniversary concert. I really think she's wonderful (although she has a skinny skinny waist, sometimes strange looking). I hope that her talent and experience translates to film because lets be honest.. Taylor Swift was never going to do that role justice.
Amanda Seyfried annoys some people, she's very unique looking but, for me, she has played some fairly versatile roles and she can also sing (whether she can sing Cosette's stuff I don't know but i'm willing to see her try.)
Now, Anne Hathaway Anne Hathaway Anne Hathaway... Where do I start. I hate that I dislike her so much. I just can't enjoy her work and take her seriously unless she is Mia Thermopolis or something similar. I have already had close to a breakdown about the fact that she is cat woman in the most anticipated movie EVER. The trailer of Les Mis shows her singing "I dreamed a dream" and honestly it wasn't terrible. Sure, she doesn't have the vocal skill to out sing other Fantines but it was never really about the voice for me. The best Fantine I ever saw thought about the acting first (and had a killer voice) but it was so heart-wrechingly beautiful that I would not have cared if she cracked or missed a note. Having said that.. its not like Anne Hathaway acts the pants off role, or at least anything I have seen of her.
But I truly TRULY hope that she proves me wrong. As both Catwoman and Fantine. If she does, she will not only surprise 75% of the viewers but her career will take a serious change in pace and direction. Wow. So, no pressure Anne.

Friday, May 25, 2012

I am so proud!

When I see successful hollywood actors that I recognize from the Australian soaps I grew up on I feel a very odd emotion. Pride. Like I grew up with them and watched them blossom or something. The most recent has been Chris Hemsworth from the Australian soap "Home and Away." Maybe what makes it most enjoyable is the fact that no one here in America shares this feeling, however everyone who watched that show in England does and I would no longer feel special.
But Chris Hemsworth was nice guy Kim in Home and Away. Now he's in everything!

There's also Holly Valance who was in the Australian soap "Neighbors." Then I saw her in "Taken" and "Prison Break", yay Holly!

I could go on forever (Liam Hemsworth, Isla Fisher and Simon Baker) but this last one cracks me up the most because Ryan Kwanten used to be the crazy guy Vinnie that everyone made fun of on "Home and Away." 

Now he's going for this look!

I realize that 'claiming' Australia is a really backwards idea considering how stupid I make people feel for assuming we're the same country even though we are opposite sides of the world. But.. just this one time, I will break my rule. 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Welcome to the blog!

Sometimes I have extra time. This doesn't happen very often, in fact almost never. But when I am extremely busy I wish i had the time to write some thoughts and comments down. So here I am... with a blog! I created one a couple of years ago when my husband and I first got married but as these things go.. I ended up commenting on only my interests. So know I have my own and my husband will make special guest appearances.
It is likely that I will comment on many random and unconnected things. Musicals, film and tv goes without saying but it is possible that there will be some food things, books, maybe beauty and of course the olympics held in LONDON this year. I don't think I could be more excited.
So enjoy!