Friday, September 14, 2012

Is it only September?!

I just finished my second week as a working woman. Because I'm insane, I thought I could handle two jobs that add up to about 45/50 hours a week. I don't think i realised quite how intense these jobs were going to be. Alas, they are great. I work at a preschool teaching music half of the time and then as a front desk receptionist at an incredibly successful dance studio in Orem. I am so proud to work at both the preschool and the studio. I work with amazing people who teach me so much everyday. If it wasn't for all of those good things then maybe i would be thinking about quitting because I come home EXHAUSTED! i have already brought one cold home from the preschoolers. It has been a week of awfulness for both of us. So now one of the songs in my class involves washing our hands. Hopefully that will keep some germs at home with parents :) Working with preschoolers has made me realise just how much i have taken teachers for granted. goodness me they should get paid millions for the amount of hours, effort and work they put in! My body is literally dead, every aspect of my brain had turned to goop and my voice is gone all within the first 3 hours. That being said, it is also really rewarding and absolutely hilarious at times. Today we celebrated the colour red. Here are a couple of pics I took for Red Day. We sang about all the red clothes I brought in for them to wear and then said "RED!" when we took the picture.

But thinking of ideas to entertain 6-12 three/four year olds is much easier said than done. Songs are great and I have plenty to work with but as far as activities go its like herding sheep. Sure, you can do finger painting with one 3 year old but try doing that with 12! Not going to happen. especially if you want them to go home with clean clothes. anyway. if you have any ideas for crafts, recipes, science experiments or games feel free to shoot them my way.